Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's "Hump" Day! EDIT

No, it does not mean that we can just get together and... do things... like leap frog... or red rover...
I think it means its the middle of the week and so that makes it Wednesday!

This is an actual blog! I know right? It's like soooo weird that I'm like actually working on a blog and not an apology right?

Yep, I'm a guy and I can type like a valley girl.

Anyway, I am very pleased to announce that I have finally set up a schedule for my blogs and various writing and I am VERY pleased to announce the already success of my fanfictions Pikmin Origins and The Collected Story of the Sages (Which I might rename soon because I have a hard time saying that name)! Yep, its thanks to readers here on blogger, on the web, and on fanfiction (and maybe even facebook or Gaiaonline) that I have some good reviews of them.

As for the schedule, I have new writings coming up on Written Works on Sunday/Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays with special ones appearing from time to time on Saturday. My fanfictions will be posted every Sunday in the morning, that is already in place, and every monday (for sure starting this next week) will be a new chapter for Abysmal Depths (sorry for putting it off). One Big announcement is The Life of a Spy will be returning to weekly updates on Fridays starting next week (Friday October 21). Yay!!!!

EDIT: All of my stories will be up tomorrow on October 25th, 2011 by the end of the day. Sorry... And that's the apology I tried to avoid!

I have also added a calender to this blog to help you know when the next chapters are coming out.

And if you haven't noticed I also added a donation bit, you don't have to click it if you don't want to, I just put it there to see what would happen. If nothing happens I will probably take it down. Again, no pressure to donate to me.

On the topic of money, no, I'm not asking for freebies, but I am asking for you to check out my ebay listings, I have five baby quilts that my mother made that will be expiring in the next few days. If you are interested in them just follow the link:

And I guess that's about it, I will also try just blogging from time to time to just freshen up this blog, you know, keep the cobwebs out. That means no more apologizes, (Thank you!) and more meaning full posts.

Like what I'm eating... as if you're interested in that.

So then as always, check out my other blogs and if you already have, check them out again. I update on twitter now and if you are interest in following just click on twitter follow button under the twitter updates, or just find me at RogerCascaden on twitter.

Thanks again,


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