Saturday, March 26, 2011

And so I said to the caterpillar...

The weeks been pretty simple. Next week isn't going to be though...
Spring break...
I'm not a heat person, anything over 60 degrees is a bit too much for me and I live in The Sunshine State Florida...
Great... At least there are supposed to be rain showers...
I forgot to add another link to my last post, a youtube channel that my girlfriend and I have made to put up funny skits and other videos. It's called TheOneSunOneMoon.


Just like the last two channels I would appreciate it if you were to subscribe to this as well.
We have a ton of ideas, several scripts written out, now we just need to get it on film and edited on the computer.
I know this is pretty short but what can i say? Not much has happened.
Except for my old science teacher slapping a student for kissing in the hall and the media completely blowing it out of proportion.
I personally think he shouldn't be in as much trouble as he is in, it wasn't like he beat her or anything.
Well on that note I leave you to your everyday activities what ever they may be.

P.S. My girlfriend also has a blogger and I encourage you to check it out and she has her own art website which would also be a great idea to check out.



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