Friday, March 18, 2011

When I was a younger lad with a computer...

So I have decided that after I made this blog I would create a new youtube account. It's all free to do so I did it. The Youtube account I have is called TheCrazyPeep, a youtube channel I made to show off my little videos I did   more than a year ago. If you want to see some badly animated, crudely drawn and poorly captured photos coupled with bad voices and even worse plot lines then I encourage you to check it out.


But before I had TheCrazyPeep I had an old Youtube channel, one that I had forgotten the name to as well as the password and had just let it sit in virtual limbo. Well I finally dragged that thing though the passages of time (about 2 years, or 3 or 4 thousand in computer years), dusted it off, gave it a new name and a new purpose.
This channel, thus given the name of AccentWriter, would be something I will do involving my writing, mostly my darker or more mysterious writing. I will, for at least the first few videos, be reading my page to 2 page thoughts and stories as I hear them in my head. Whenever I put a new on up I will make a blog about it and give it a bit of back story, you know, where I was when I wrote it, what I think it means... blah blah blah. Just something for me to do in the hopes of entertaining some poor rich kid with a pony as a butler or a rabbit as the chorus in an old Greek play...


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