Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Update... and apologizes...

Well... I've been lazy... I have been working on all my stories but I have not uploaded any text at all... I can't say I will always be up to date with posting but I have a busy life, taking my girlfriend to school, going to school myself, working and getting more hours... I haven't had much time to sit down and type up my stories. As a result, I have not been able to keep up with the dates I have made before. This time however, I do have set dates that I WILL keep up with, such as:
Saria's first chapter, both on fanfiction and here on blogger, will be up this next Sunday.
Curse of the Sea has been rocky for a while now, not much progress has been made unfortunately... there is not a given date for the next chapters.
Pikmin Origins: another fanfiction I am working on, will be available on October 9th, that date is certain, by then I will have all of Saria's story done, and I can work on it more.
Abysmal Depths has been very slow to start up, I hope it will be available on October 10th after Pikmin.
The Life of a Spy will be this Friday, not much more to say about that.
And I will be posting new passages to books I am working on, and short stories and poems I make off and on from now on.

I hope this set schedule helps, I have then almost ready... just need to work more on them...

Well then, that's about it for the update... I again, am very sorry for my lack of work on these stories, but I am hopeful for the future!

have a great day everyone!

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